47-54 Chevy Truck Hood Latch Conversion Kit

This latch kit was designed to be a modern replacement for the original truck hood latch. Whereas the original latched posed some problems in getting the hood to latch in the same position each time, the design of this latch will allow the latch pin to enter the latch in the same position repeatedly. The lower latch conversion plate can be installed using the original latch holes or can be welded or bonded in with panel adhesive (found at paint or body-work supply stores) for a smooth one-piece appearance. The top section mounts with two screws and has an aluminum dress plate to cover all existing holes.


Universal Hood Latch Conversion Kit

This latch kit provides a modern replacement for older worn latches where replacements are not available or where an earier-latching more update-to-date latch may be desireable. The kit comes with a release lever, but can also be cable operated.